The Banker’s Picnic

There was a very big wind that summer day, the day the bankers had the picnic they had wanted to enjoy for so many years.

The wind blew around their pens and quills and dollar bills and ledgers and other things from their banking world. The bankers drew big plates with their pens and settled down to a nice meal of paper – reams and reams of it – searching about for something more delicious, as condors do when they are looking to swallow a big, fat rabbit.

And what was the reason for the picnic? They wanted to find Truth. That’s all they wanted to do.

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Virus: A lesson in the power of the small and mighty!

The corona virus has spread to the many parts of the world that will be the most affecting of changes required for you to thrive.

The reasons for doing so are these: you do not have enough fun, you do not have enough wellness, you do not have enough friendship, and you do not have enough sources of quality foods, you do not have enough sources of gifts to give to each other, in the sense of finding your own way of spirit, to love one another in ways that bring you joy.

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Growing Grownups

The path for many includes some degree of assistance from their parents, such as food, housing, money, and other gifts. These are all well and good as long as children are children, but in getting too much from parents, children will never really grow up. They will continue to be dependent on others and not find the beautiful gifts that come from response-ability.

Response-ability is taking care of oneself

Response-ability is to enjoy the consequences of one’s actions. It’s the way in which individuals hold onto their independence and learn to be in the world in beautiful ways. It’s not the thing you’ve been taught—sometimes having too much to do in taking care of others. No, it’s sort of the opposite.

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United States of Love & Prosperity

United States of Love graphicA friend sent me this: I had what felt like an epiphany when meditating about the future of America…. that all this pain we are going through is to birth a new kind of government on the planet, the democratic socialism concept. The sense I had was that so many people who abhor anything that smacks of toxic communism or socialism will finally “get” what is being done in some parts of the world such as Scandinavia. The vision was of watching America “for all to see around the world” (akin to a tipping point) so that this hybrid mix of socialism and democracy would be able to take hold worldwide and create a new kind of global balance and justice. Wouldn’t that just be all our best hopes coming to fruition?

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End Suffering from Past Hurts

"Some people are holding grudges against you for things they did to you."This graphic (left) expresses how people often project their shadow on others they’ve violated, which can compound suffering.

Why do they do it? Because they haven’t addressed their own guilt and suffering. How does one deal with this… call them out, let it go, what?

The way to go about getting past suffering is to end it. That said, what does it take to end suffering?
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