Interviews & Presentations

Jo speaks with UFO explorers Grant Cameron and Desta Barnabe 7/3/2024

Jeff Mara Podcast, December 20, 2022 (46:07)

Innerviews with Gerry Fialka, December 10, 2023 (1:42:22) (Click here for the highlights version on YouTube.) Gerry asks Jo the most far out questions you can imagine, and a great, funny conversation ensues!

Interview with Simon Bown, Past Lives Podcast, November 7, 2022 (60:11) for Afterlives: Firsthand Accounts of Twenty Notable People. And hear Simon read an excerpt from the Douglas Adams chapter.

Wendy Zammit Show, May 15, 2022 (37:34) interview includes my background and journey to Afterlives: Firsthand Accounts of Twenty Notable People.

Scientific & Medical Network, June 1, 2022 (57:20) Joanne presents the journey that became her book, Afterlives: Firsthand Accounts of Twenty Notable People, and shares some of the accounts, including important concepts such as “You go as you are” and “You create your reality.”

Followup Q&A for Presentation to Scientific & Medical Network, June 1, 2022 (45:18) What do an astrophysicist, neuropsychiatrist, and a mystic have in common? Evidence of the afterlife! Enjoy this Q&A followup to Joanne’s presentation of her book, Afterlives, hosted by David Lorimer.

Joanne Helfrich-Channeling Twenty Notable People in the Afterlife (MP3, 43:28), interview with Barry Eaton, RadioOutThere.Com, April 13, 2022

Announcement and presentation of Afterlives (Video, 1:24:29), presentation to The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, November 30, 2021

Joanne, Rose, and Paul Appear in documentary series (Video, 1:55:38), They Call Us Channelers, January 2018