Is the session recorded?
We record the session digitally and make it available to you soon after the session (see Request a session). It’s okay to record the session on your end, but only for personal use. We retain the copyright on Rose’s information.
Will my private session be made public?
No. Your privacy is very important to us, so all private sessions remain private. We may occasionally use an anonymous block of material on our website or other publication because it helps others with similar questions and issues, but we will not compromise your privacy. You are welcome to transcribe your private session and send it to us for the Rose archives.
What’s the best way to prepare for a Rose session?
You will get the most from a Rose session if you first read her book, The Way of Spirit, then ask her for help with your challenge areas. It’s also helpful to formulate your questions as specifically as you can in advance of the session, as the process will help you gain clarity on your issues. Writing them down will often provide you new insights and additional questions. Also, please remember to turn off any mobile devices before the session.
Does Joanne’s voice and expression change?
Joanne’s voice will pretty much remain the same; it gets a little lower and raspy sometimes. Her pace may start out slow, but will pick up.
During a phone session, when can I ask my questions?
Rose usually begins with some material and will prompt for questions. If there’s a pause, give her a couple of seconds to finish as Rose may be accessing additional information.
Will Rose answer questions about my future?
We sometimes call these “crystal ball questions.” The future is not set in stone, but is a series of probabilities. Rose occasionally makes predictions, though she will encourage exploration of various choices not being considered as well as to provide “most probable probabilities.”
Why does Rose make up words?
It is difficult to squeeze metaphysical concepts into our language, which is based on linear time and cause-and-effect thinking. So Rose creates neologisms – new words – in order to present new concepts and push our thinking outside the box of conventional language patterns. Definitions of her most commonly used terms are below. See the Glossary for more concepts and neologisms.
- Feal – A combination of “feel” and “real” to emphasize being present in all feelings.
- Geanius – A combination of “gene” and “genius” to emphasize the connection between body, mind, and spirit.
- Intentionality and Families of Intent – We each are born with innate purpose and intention, and understanding what it is helps us live in most fulling ways This information, and means to discover your intent, are covered in depth in The Way of Spirit.
- Orientation – A type of perception; the types are Common, Soft, and Intermediate.
- Rest in Rose – “Rest in the beautiful knowing of your Divinity,” a way to meditate that is simple and feals great. This is also a great way to prepare for a Rose session. See the Rest in Rose practice.
- Senxuality – A combination of “sexual” and “sensual,” Rose promotes the idea of enjoying our bodies, our world, and our physical senses as spiritual practice.
- Sonter – The practice of “breathing in essence” to engage our sense of Divine love. See the Sonter (Breathe in Essence) practice.
- Access Alternatives – A practice to fully explore choices and ease our fears caused by expectations of certain outcomes. See the Access Alternatives practice.
- Vespers – The critical, daily (preferably morning) practice of communication with essence. See the Vespers practice.