Accessing alternatives is in many ways what you typically do when you allow yourself to go with the flow. We suggest that you read the Access Alternatives practice in order to internalize the methods, for the exercises will provide you a large degree of focused awareness with your essence self leading your expectations and probable futures. We essences do allow you to choose your future and past probabilities, so you can trust yourselves to do so by following these simple steps in order to allow yourself to incorporate many more future possibilities that you would find fulfilling… more than you’ve ever dreamed of! (See all Practices.)
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The last time we saw our super poker players was while you were collecting your chips from the night’s play. We suggest that you were very satisfied with your loot, so you can rest in Rose to assure that you enjoy the benefit of your belongings, for they are indeed the results of your excellent recognition of your many wonderful probabilities. We suggest that while you are hauling in your loot, that you imagine for a moment that the loot is so very much in need of a good hauling device, such as a shovel or a truck, that you don’t know exactly what to do with all of it. We suggest you do the following.
The way you would think about your many beautiful probabilities in some ways would be indicating of your beliefs about them. We trust you will excellently include in your dreamscape the idea that you are deserving of all of your beautiful, fulfilling probabilities, so as to enjoy the richness of your being. The way you may view the beautiful riches in many ways indicates so many things that you would do well to interest yourselves in.
How many things do you have on your table? We suggest that the items—including your inanimate items such as peace, love, and serenity—are also included, and will take up so much space in your room that they will reach to the ceiling. We suggest that the items do indeed push through your ceiling and into the sky about your space for you do indeed know that the universe is infinite. We suggest that your desires are as well.
The way you would know if you desires are indeed your truest desires will in some ways be obvious. Do they want to be included on your table or don’t they? We suggest that your desires know what they want to be attached to, and what they don’t, and the desires that you do not want will continue upwards into your sky in order to find another spot to rest in your probabilities. We suggest they will show up on another poker table in another time and space.
The way your probabilities so want to find you in some ways will be obvious as well. What do the desires do when they reach the sky? Do they allow themselves to change into other things? We suggest that when your desires reach the sky, some will float aimlessly, in your terms, until they find out how to light your way to them. We suggest they will make a small universe of probable desires met so as to allow you to float towards them and let them make a new home for you. We suggest you will find the new home very luxurious, so as to provide you what will be the most impressive improbable life you can imagine.
We suggest that your improbable natures are indeed what will create your improbable futures, for you will find that your improbable futures are indeed often your probable ones. We suggest this sounds contrary, and it should, for your futures are in many ways contrary to your current expectations. We suggest that you will be adjusting your expectations using this exercise, so as to retreat from your home of improbable improbabilities in order to discern what you truest desires really are.
The way you will find your truest desires will be to allow yourself to be guided there by your own innate intuition. Your intuition will in your terms be your strongest ally, for it will interest you in your desires that are truly those that will bring you fulfillment. The way your intuition was designed is as a kind of gyroscope that always orients you in your creating of your universe and its many probabilities. No matter where you are in the universe, your intuition is always guiding you, first and foremost, to your truest desires.
Trust that you will be drawn to exactly the right probabilities and the right universe of your creation. We suggest that your poker players will indeed always generate the beautifully indulgent improbable probabilities that you will use to move beyond your own limiting beliefs so as to create entire new galaxies for you. We trust you will.